Implementing energy-saving production processes

This year, the Company continued to implement energy-saving technics in the production processes of steel plate cutting, bevel cutting, longitudinal and circumferential seams welding, coating, etc. These measures help us reduce the consumption of raw materials and usage of energy during production, enabling us to jointly reduce carbon emissions in procurement and production processes.

  • Steel plate cutting

    mproved the cutting technology, enabling amore accurate cutting process to reduce the cutting allowance of the steel plate from 25mm to 12mm, effectively reducing the consumption of steel plate as raw material. This has increased the utilisation rate of steel plate by 0.48% for some types of products, and lowered the consumption of steel plate for a single product by 3.67t.

    Replaced propane fuel with high-energy cutting gas, which can reduce the emissions by approximately 1.85 tCO2e in the cutting procedure per product.

  • Bevel cutting

    Developed and applied narrow-gap bevelling technology to reduce the size of the bevel. This can reduce the filling amount of welding consumables by approximately 10% and the consumption of welding consumables by approximately 100kg per tower, without compromising production quality.

  • Coating

    Upgraded the fixed-coating technic to turntable-coating technic at the coating and anti-corrosion workshops, reducing paint loss by approximately 3%.

  • Longitudinal and circumferential seams welding

    Purchased steel plates with fewer joints as raw materials to effectively reduce the length of the seams of some monopiles by approximately 650m, which is 10% less compared to applying previous seaming technics, reducing the resource and energy consumption in the welding process.